Millionaire Mentality®
8 Hour Workshop – $950.00
Rick Solano, CPA, MST
Author, Educator and Executive Business Coach.
Come join Rick as he shares his wisdom, keen insights and helps you develop a Millionaire Mentality ®! You will receive valuable references and Rick’s book “The Power of a Millionaire Mentality ®.”
Recognize Financial Opportunities:
- Economics 101
- The Dirty “Four Letter” Word
- The“Millionaire Mentality” Rule To Financial Independence
- Happiness is a Positive Cash Flow
- Recognize Opportunities
- Managing Risk and Diversification
- Money and Compounding
Investment Alternatives:
- Your Business
- Common Stocks
- Real Estate & Mortgages
- Equipment Leasing
- Gold & Silver
- Bitcoin
- Crypto Currency
Negotiation/The Art of Financial Success:
- Negotiation Strategies
- Communicating
- Personality Styles
Powerful Techniques You Will Learn
- Assume responsibility for your own life.
- Good habits make and support our character
- Take care of your health and do not depend on others to do it for you.
- Pain/discomfort is the major force for change
- Your every action should command the attention of the world.
- Always strive to be ten percent better
- Find the time to reward yourself
- You must be committed to your desires
- Develop a plan of association
- The world will pay for courage & persistency
- Money is like horse manure
- Be anxious for nothing & get what you want
- The more you investigate the less you will usually have to invest
- Timing is everything
- There are only 3 ways to accumulate wealth
- How to increase cash reserves immediately
- A problem is an opportunity in disguise
- Never worry about money
- Don’t take a flat fee take a % of the action
- The best source of business
- Short term players are usually losers
- The key to success in investing
- People do business with people they like
- Be careful when you speak
- No body movement is without meaning
- Birds of a feather flock together
- Wolf, Sheep, Ram, or Shephard:
- Observations & numerous examples.